Thought Vomit #1
"Slow Unraveling" mixed media on newsprint |
When the hypomania sets in-
You can talk a blue streak,
For miles and miles you go,
A thousand and one thoughts
Around the faded February sun.
Holding onto one stream of consciousness
Long enough for another to bubble up
And take its place,
And then the old thought is nothing more
Than a fading dot in the rearview,
Left stranded forever unless you
Made it a point to write it down,
Like in the old Coffee Shop days
Before you had no idea that anything
Was wrong or different about you -
Depression prone,
But manic depression wasn't yet
In your vocabulary save for
The "Are You Experienced?"
deep cut -
And even then that was just a
Turn of phrase,
Not yet an illness you
Were aware of.
In those days these flights
Of fancy were just bursts
Of simple inspiration,
Or so you thought -
You would buy a notebook
On a Friday afternoon,
And by Sunday evening
It'd be full of these
Poetic sketches
And you'd think
Nothing of it.
Ecstatic at your
Developing voice,
Popping a squat
In some boarded up
Store front doorway,
Or else a corner table
In your favorite cafe,
a window seat
Looking out on on
Center Street,
Headphones tight to
Shut everything save
For the passing skateboarders
And kids walking off
To hidden shadows to
Fuck and/or get high,
Your music cranked
As loud as you could
Stand it-
All the better to focus
These thoughts and direct
Them outward instead
Of inward -
Somehow even then you
Were somewhat aware
Of the dangers of allowing
Yourself to spend too much
Time in your own head,
Yet another sign you missed
Early on in your
Mental health adolescence,
All of it being so fucking
Clear now but slipping by
So easily then-
All you knew was these
Racing thoughts
and the need to write
Quickly so as to head
them off at the pass,
the only way you could
hope to capture them
Before they were gone.
How many times
In recent years have
You mourned the sudden
Passing of these overwhelmingly
Productive periods,
Half convinced they were
Gone for good this time?
As quickly as they came,
So, too, could they go-
Classic hypomanic behavior,
The flow of thought and static
Energy can only stretch so far
before the shell which contains them
Begins to crack from the pressure -
Then there's nowhere to go
But down down d o w n -
Then you find yourself
in the very bottom of
That well where depression
Where the air hangs
Dank as basements in
abandoned houses,
Acrid with dust,
Death and decay,
The only light
(If there even is any)
Is from somewhere so
high above you can't
Even begin to hope
of reaching it,
And even then it
all depends on the
position of the moon
That night
(With depression it's always night time)-
Most of the time you
Only know darkness,
Stuck in the stale muck
Down here all alone,
Now cut off entirely
And for who knows
How long?
The depression always
seems to stay so much
longer than the other -
Whether manic or something
Approaching normalcy,
Each depression longer
Than the last,
No sense of beginning
Or ending,
After a few hours
It seems like it's always
been this way -
And no matter how many
Times you go through it
And come out again,
You convince yourself
That you'll be here,
Stuck down in the darkness
So thick you couldn't cut
It with a scalpel-
Convince yourself that you'll
Never write another word,
Riff or simply enjoy
Sitting in a cafe window
Punk cassettes ringing
In your ears,
And surrounded
By the ones who will
Change your life so many
Times over,
Or so much as
taking an evening stroll
around the block again.
It is this kind of thinking -
That you'll be stuck in this
Damp blackness foreverf
That paves the way for every
Every relapse,
Every breakdown,
Every rash decision
That destroys a thousand
Lives forever -
Not just the bipolar depressive's
but the lives of every
Single soul rooting
for them even if
They are too far down
The proverbial well
To hear it -
Every person who
Loves the person they truly are-
Not the one the depression
tries so hard to convince them
Is the only true self.
The bipolar depressed
Person doesn't slip
because they want to die,
They slip because,
more than anything,
They just want it
All to stop.
You've been there
enough times to know
The difference by now,
and yet you keep
Coming back.
"I think we are destined to do
this forever, you and I. "
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